Monday, July 30, 2012

Getting an early start

The beginning of my collegiate story, actually began many years ago. When I was a child, I always watched nature programs. I especially had a passion for animals. Many kids my age would watch cartoon network or nickelodeon, but I preferred a documentary on national geographic or Animal Planet. A lot of young boys idolized Spider-man or Superman, but I always had a soft spot in my heart, for the Kratt brothers, Steve Irwin and Jeff Corwin. Instead of always asking for new toys, I asked for new pets. Fortunately, my mother never got me a Cheetah that I kept insisting upon.

Anyway, You may be wondering how this has to do with my college aspirations. Well, as I said before I always watched nature shows. After one program, I noticed in the credits that Tuskegee University was named. I had heard of Tuskegee, before in school. I did a research paper on it's steadfast founder Booker T. Washington, had heard about it's illustrious professor George Washington Carver and admired the brave World War II Fliers known as the "Tuskegee Airmen". This, obviously, had stuck with me, because on my next road trip, in the Lower 48 I asked my family, "Can we go to Tuskegee?"

They were a bit surprised, to say the least.  Many adults do not know how to pronounce university's name, let alone, know it's history and I was in fifth grade at the time. Luckily, we were driving in Alabama and it was just a couple hours away. When we arrived, you could literally feel the history, in the air. They even had museums on campus. It was then, I also found out how strong the biology program and that the school had a nationally known Veterinary School. Saying that I extremely enjoyed the campus would be an understatement. My grandpa was the first to say "He's probably going to go school here." This was my first interaction with my future school and it had profound impact on me.


  1. I really like your blog William. I'll put in my reading rotation. Who knows it can become a novel someday... and then a movie! :)

  2. This is awesome! I am very excited to read your blog and experience your journey through your words.

  3. I remember that road trip. God has a way of working things out.
