Thursday, August 23, 2012

Alabama Rain: New Beginnings

    On Monday as I was walking to dinner, I heard thunder and even saw some lightning, but it wasn't even drizzling. I thought that I should get my umbrella, but decided against it. "I'm a big man. I don't need no stinking umbrella!", I thought to myself. After dinner, I walked out the cafeteria and I was confronted with a torrential downpour. I tried to wait it out, but eventually I had to make a break for it. As I was running in this deluge of H20, I thought back to my last days of high school.

Alabama Rain

     For my last intensive at Steller Secondary School, I took a film class. In this 2 week class, we watched movies and tried to identify literary elements, within the films. One of the things that stood out to me, was the use of Rain. In film and in story telling in general, Water symbolizes change or rebirth. Rain is a common tool for film makers to show that the main character is beginning a new journey (Example: In Disney's Mulan, when she's about to run away or In The Matrix, right before Neo meets Morpheus, for the first time). So as I was being soaked from head to toe, with Alabama rain, I felt like it was marking a new a beginning. It marked a new stage in my life, from adolescence to adult hood, or, at least, it represented the start of a new academic year.

A Venue For Greatness

   The first day of classes, was one of the most anticipated days of my whole life. But at first, It seemed just like high school. The course work didn't seem too difficult and the teachers didn't seem merciless and cruel. Even though it may have resembled high school, I knew how different it was. The other students and I were paying for these class. It wasn't paid for by the government. We were there voluntarily, with the urge to learn. I knew how much was riding on every grade and every assignment. These classes can make or break a successful future. When I thought of this, I took a big gulp and prayed.

    Later that day, I went t the library. I was walking up the stairs when I saw a portrait of William Shakespeare with the worlds "Will Power". This was kinda my phrase throughout high school, along with "When there's a WILL there's a way." This boosted my confidence a bit and helped me through my day. I'm definitely going to need a lot of this "Will Power", for the next four years.


1 comment:

  1. Let it rain, let it rain and let the next journey begin. Love the Shakespeare tidbit. God has a funny way of encouraging all of us. Everything happens for a reason. Stay encouraged nephew.
